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Poochie Mama Canine Care provides in-home canine remedial massage therapy treatments. Our fees are based on the time we spend with your dog.

Travel is a flat fee and only up to 10km from our base in Beaumaris. Distance is calculated using 'Google Maps' and the most direct car route. 

do i need a vet referral?

You do not need a vet referral to make a booking, but we would always recommend checking in with your vet first. In some instances, your vet will refer you for canine massage therapy to other allied health professionals.

Up to 10km

Initial Consultation
60 min.

In an initial consultation we require a little more time so we can take a history and perform an assessment. Please have any relevant history from your vet, physio, acupuncturist, etc available.


In an assessment we will feel your dog's musculature and watch them moving around. Depending on the dog we may get them doing simple movements like lying down or sitting. We're getting an idea of which muscles may be tight and which are weak and what activities they can and can't do so well so that we can tailor their treatment.


Then we'll give your dog a massage and discuss any ongoing treatment plan.

You will need to be present so that you can help hold your dog, if required, or maybe feed them some treats to encourage them to stay still. Once your dog used to their sessions, they probably won't need their owner to hold their paw but it's handy to have you around to begin with.

Session Cost

Repeat sessions
30 or 45 min.


The length of subsequent sessions may depend on several factors such as the size of the dog, how well they settle and the areas requiring treatment.



We'll discuss any progress and our recommendation for subsequent sessions and always tweak this as we go depending on how your dog is responding.

30 min session


45 min session

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